If you have a small network with no more than two subnets, it is possible to enable IP Forwarding on a Windows XP computer which will allow you to “route” packets between the two segments. You’ll need to have a Windows XP computer configured with two network adapters or NICs. Step 1: Define the IP scheme for the two segments. Segment 1 – 2 –*** /24 is an alternate notation when representing the subnet mask of Step 2: Configure the Windows XP Router’s network adapters with IP addresses and other TCP/IP settings. For example, one adapter’s address may be configured to while the second adapter may be configured to Step 3: Configure the computers on each segment to use the XP Router adapters as their default gateway address. Step 4: Enable IP Forwarding on the Windows XP “Router” via the registry. Start the Registry Editor (Regedit.exe). In Registry Editor, locate the following registry key: A value of 1 enables TCP/IP forwarding for all network connections that are installed and used by this computer.